Outdoor Cooling through Advaced Adiabatic Cooling System

Best Outdoor Cooling Services in Dubai

Outdoor Cooling through Advaced Adiabatic Cooling System

Do you know

what are the reasons that led to the spread of air conditioning outdoor Cooling through Advaced Adiabatic cooling system known as Cold Steam Cooling Injector?

Firstly: A cold evaporative air injector system consumes 90 to 95% less electricity than conventional systems such as Air cooled DX or Chilled Water compression system .

Secondly: The evaporation rate of water in the cold steam cooled injector system reaches 100% that grantee highest effectively for outdoor Cooling compared to traditional adiabatic cooling systems that does not rely on a compressor, in which the evaporation rate ranges from 1 to 90%, which contributes to raising the humidity rate in the atmosphere.

Third: The cooling system through cold steam does not raise humidity levels, as it is linked to an advanced control system that works through an algorithm to control temperature and humidity.

Fourthly: In many projects, the project's air conditioning condensate water drainage, if any, is reused, thus making the system efficient, Sustability and environmentally friendly.

We at Hybrlab have designed the system on scientific and engineering principles to achieve the best result at the lowest operational cost.
In cities far from the sea, such as Riyadh, the cooling reaches 24 degrees Celsius. In cities near the sea, such as Doha, Jeddah, Dammam and Dubai, the cooling reaches 32 degrees Celsius.

Finally :
Advaced adiabatic cooling, cold steam cooling injector system components:

  • High pressure pumps
  • Ni Brass Nozzles
  • Fans
  • Humidity, Temperature control
  • Water filters
  • Stainless steel pipes 316 L
  • Nylon pipes
  • Supply diffuser - option

About Us

Hybrlab, the leading name in Qatar, KSA and UAE outdoor climate control industry, offers cutting-edge solutions for outdoor cooling, dehumidification, and humidification.

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Hybrlab Logo Hybrlab, the leading name in Dubai, offering outdoor climate control industry, offers cutting-edge solutions for outdoor cooling, dehumidification, and humidification.

Dubai, UAE